Chooselife Wales: a path to recovery
Chooselife Wales runs a drop-in centre providing support, guidance, signposting and activities to those struggling with substance misuse and related difficulties.
Chooselife Wales was set up almost 25 years ago by Alan Andrews, who had overcome his own substance misuse problems and wanted to help others do the same. Through its supported accommodation and drop-in centre, the charity aims to help individuals and their families move towards a happier, healthier life.
Social Problem
In the deprived area of Carmarthenshire in Wales, there are ever-increasing problems with drug and alcohol misuse. There aren’t, however, sufficient services to meet the needs of those affected. Addiction services and housing organisations exist but do not offer sustained and comprehensive support to ensure both the problem itself and the causes are addressed.
At Chooselife Wales, the whole person is considered and support is tailored to individual needs. From assistance with recovery programmes and counselling to diversionary activities and employment guidance, the staff aim to provide service users with the tools to help themselves and take positive steps for their future. In 2012 the charity also began renting out supported housing so that it could continue to better respond to service users’ needs.
A loan from Charity Bank totalling £110k was drawn in parts to assist Chooselife Wales with the purchase of two properties. The first was one of its existing rental properties and the second an additional house.
These two houses offer a safe and supported home for 12 people who are on their way to addiction recovery. Owning these properties removes the uncertainty of potential external factors, such as a landlord increasing rent or deciding to sell, and offers both the charity and its residents much greater stability and security.
“Charity Bank doesn’t just provide a loan, but really connects with you and what you’re trying to achieve.”
Alan Andrews, Managing Director, Chooselife Wales
About Charity Bank
Charity Bank is the loans and savings bank owned by and committed to supporting the social sector. Since 2002, we have used our savers’ money to make more than 1280 loans totalling over £500m to housing, education, social care, community and other social purpose organisations.
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