Mayfield Trust: transforming care in Calderdale
The Government’s Transforming Care programme is shaking up the care sector, helping people with a learning disability to get out of hospitals and group homes, and integrate back into the community. One charity that’s moving with the times is Mayfield Trust.
Social Problem
People with a learning disability frequently end up living in hospitals and other unsuitable accommodation, where they have limited opportunities for independence or personal growth.
Mayfield Trust offers a wide range of support for children and adults with a learning disability, including educational courses, social activities, nursing care and supported housing.
The charity has been running for 70 years. Its main residential home was old and no longer fit for purpose. Residents were in single rooms so were not able to have the level of independence Mayfield Trust wanted for them. The home also didn’t align with the Government’s Transforming Care programme. As a result, it was less than 50% full and losing the charity £10,000 a month. With the help of a £400,000 loan from Charity Bank, Mayfield Trust redeveloped its outbuildings into six one-bedroom flats and a three-bedroom annex, and turned the old residential home into the charity’s new head-office and activity centre.
The redevelopment has transformed Mayfield Trust’s finances. Not only is the charity now bringing in more money through tenancies, it’s also saving £32,000 a year on rental costs, as it no longer needs to rent offices or rooms for activities. Tenants are living much more independently, with greater privacy and autonomy. And the Trust has been able to take on three new tenants, all of whom have greater care needs and were previously forced to live in hospitals. Residents and their families are delighted with the changes, and the charity’s future is much more secure.
“With the support of Charity Bank, we’ve gone from this huge residential home that was losing a lot of money to a modern housing scheme with a waiting list. When I visit, I hear, ‘I love it here; I love my new flat; I’m doing my own cooking and shopping.’ These are small things that most of us take for granted, but they weren’t able to do those things before. They have a place of their own now.”
Matt Larkin, Operations Manager, Mayfield Trust
About Charity Bank
Charity Bank is the loans and savings bank owned by and committed to supporting the social sector. Since 2002, we have used our savers’ money to make more than 1280 loans totalling over £500m to housing, education, social care, community and other social purpose organisations.
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