
“With Charity Bank, we have a partner, not just a lender”

“Charity Bank has become part of a tripartite relationship with ourselves and Homes England. That arrangement has allowed us to provide more accommodation and strengthen our financial resilience.” Read our interview with YMCA Cheltenham’s CEO Joseph Main.

YMCA Cheltenham: Breaking the cycle of repeat homelessness

Read why YMCA Cheltenham’s new approach to homelessness is a ‘win-win’ all round.

HARP: Catching people who slip through the cracks

Homeless Action Resource Project (HARP) is the leading homelessness charity in Southend-on-Sea. It supports single people, who are often seen as a low priority for social housing. Find out more…

“Our sector would be lost without this type of funding”

“Owning gives us security of tenancy and more certainty over our costs.” Read how Charity Bank is helping a homeless charity to move from leasing most of its properties, to owning them.

“Charity Bank stuck by us”

“The property we wanted fell through, but Charity Bank was absolutely brilliant.” Read our interview with Ann Way, former trustee of The Hamlet Centre.

The Hamlet Centre: Supporting people with disabilities

The Hamlet offers a range of services for children and adults with severe disabilities and complex needs in Norwich. It’s used a Charity Bank loan to expand its day centre. Read more…

“Charity Bank has gone above and beyond”

“What you get with Charity Bank is understanding. They understand our structure, our model and how we work financially.” Read about René House’s experience of getting a loan.

“Charity Bank brought calm at a chaotic time.”

What better way to celebrate your 125th anniversary than with a new property that gives you space to enrich lives and bring community together? That’s exactly what Mosaic 1898 has done, with the help of a Charity Bank loan. CEO Zoheb Shariff tells us more.

Mosaic 1898: Offering life-enhancing disability services

Mosaic 1898 is using its Charity Bank loan to turn an old chapel, community centre and house into The Whetstone Hub. Doing so will enable the charity to enrich even more disabled lives and launch new services.