Join a bank that shares your values
Loans: borrow to support your mission
You can borrow from a bank that understands your charitable goals as well as your finances. We lend to charities, social enterprises and organisations tackling social and environmental issues and shape our terms and repayment schedules around their needs.
Savings: put your money where your values are
You can open a savings account that will earn you a return and support the extraordinary work of the charities and social enterprises that borrow from us.
Choose from our personal savings accounts, charity and business savings accounts. Join the ethical banking movement.
Read about the organisations we support
Read about how our borrowers are using loans to grow, innovate or simply support communities and help people in challenging situations to live the lives they want.
The Andrew Windsor Almshouses: providing affordable housing for 400 years
Our 1000th loan paid for urgent repairs to a 400-year-old almshouse building which provides low cost accommodation for people in straitened circumstances.
NewStarts: supporting people through crisis
A loan from Charity Bank meant NewStarts could buy its warehouse and save £15,000 a year. It’s now able to support even more people with furniture, household essentials and emergency food parcels.
Totnes Renewable Energy Society: a community fighting climate change
In 2007, the Totnes Renewable Energy Society was formed with the aim of developing renewable energy resources in the area to benefit Totnes’ local community.
War Memorial Village Derby: creating homes for heroes
War Memorial Village Derby has been offering disabled war veterans a home for 70 years. The village has started a much-needed renovation programme with the help of a loan from Charity Bank.