Join a bank that shares your values
Loans: borrow to support your mission
You can borrow from a bank that understands your charitable goals as well as your finances. We lend to charities, social enterprises and organisations tackling social and environmental issues and shape our terms and repayment schedules around their needs.
Savings: put your money where your values are
You can open a savings account that will earn you a return and support the extraordinary work of the charities and social enterprises that borrow from us.
Choose from our personal savings accounts, charity and business savings accounts. Join the ethical banking movement.
Read about the organisations we support
Read about how our borrowers are using loans to grow, innovate or simply support communities and help people in challenging situations to live the lives they want.
Finchley Reform Synagogue: Growing with the community
Finchley Reform Synagogue (FRS) has seen membership grow from 20 families in 1960 to 900 today. It badly needed a new place to worship. With the help of a Charity Bank loan, FRS is building a brand-new synagogue offering twice as much space.
Glover’s Trust: helping older people keep their independence
Glover’s Trust offers sheltered accommodation for over-60s. The trust has recently extended and renovated all of its properties with the help of a Charity Bank loan.
The Andrew Windsor Almshouses: providing affordable housing for 400 years
Our 1000th loan paid for urgent repairs to a 400-year-old almshouse building which provides low cost accommodation for people in straitened circumstances.
Carlisle Key: helping young people build independent lives
Carlisle Key operates a drop-in centre for young people who are experiencing – or at risk of – homelessness; offering a listening ear, assistance, advice and signposting in response to each individual’s needs.